Keeping Your Heart Open (When You Want to Taste Blood)

Episode #33

Beth Clayton (your host) is a soul-based life and health coach and loves to help open-hearted
people break free from their own self-sabotage, outdated thought patterns, and past pain so
they can deepen their relationship with their own soul’s intuition, speak their truth courageously
and fulfill their most authentic desires. She is the creator of multiple group programs, retreats,
and transformational workshops, leading hundreds of truth-seekers toward finding freedom and
ease in their relationship with food, their bodies, their lives and ultimately, themselves.

This week, we are diving into:
● Why it is so easy to go to righteous anger instead of grief, compassion, empathy,
and curiosity.
● Why our brains are wired to make someone or something else the problem.
● Why it is import to elevate to a new level of consciousness around a “problem”
before trying to solve it.
● How the force of love shows up in extremely contracting times.
● The purpose of dark nights of the soul, both on a personal and societal level.
● The 4 Steps (laid out by Pema Chodron) to keep our hearts open when all we
want is a fast route out of pain.

Resources Mentioned:
“Living Beautifully with Uncertainty & Change” by Pema Chodron
@bethclaytoncoach on Instagram
Grab your free e-book, “The Secrets in Your Sabotage” at