
Coach, Performer & Storyteller

I came into working with Beth would hoping to move out of my stuck-ness and shut down around my dreams and goals, but what I actually learned was that the shut down itself was my body trying to communicate an important message to me.  Once I stopped fighting and resisting where I was at, I was able to discern what I actually needed in order to move forward in a way that worked for ME (even though it looked very different from the way I thought it was "supposed" to.)
I realized that slowing down, and doing less was actually more beneficial than forcing myself into action.  My body wasn't letting me get back to "business as usual" because that wasn't working for me.  She was letting me know that it was time to do things differently.
I also learned that I my tendency to shut down was a way to manage challenging situations that felt too difficult to tolerate.  Through this process I was able to gently built greater capacity and resiliency.  During Rise I unexpectedly uncovered new layers to some very old grief that I had been carrying with me since childhood.  
I was surprised by how much was still asking for my attention, as I had already done years of healing work in this area.  I believe that there were some things that I just didn't have the tolerance to process until I built more capacity to do so through this work.  
I feel so much more authority and self-ownership around my needs and my unique process.  I have stopped comparing and despairing when it comes to how I show up in my life, and where I chose to spend my time and energy.  I have a much easier time listening to my own intuition and don't get as confused and distracted by the constant mind-drama that had me spinning my wheels.  I now know that my brain is always the last to get on board, so I am more inclined to listen to my body and trust her without fear, guilt or shame.  
I am tapping into intuitive gifts that I was never aware of before and noticing magical synchronicities every day. I am deepening my spiritual connection and feeling inspired to learn more about my lineage as a result.  I've never felt more connected with my ancestors, myself and my unique gifts and abilities.  
This process has felt like a homecoming.  I am remembering a version of myself that has been hidden away for a very long time.  I am stepping into more authenticity and reclaiming pieces of myself that I didn't even realize had been missing.
Opportunities are effortlessly flowing into my life.  Even though I stopped "hustling," clients still continue to find me and I have been sought out for multiple creative opportunities in theatre, film, and as a storyteller. 
Sharing sacred space with the other members of this group, both online and in person, was absolutely essential.  Being witnessed and held in this way was so healing in ways that I can't even describe.  Feeling physically moved by the transmissions of other women standing fully in their power is unlike anything else. I learned so much about myself and what was possible through them. Seeing these women, that I so deeply love and respect, feeling moved by MY transmission changed how I see and feel about myself forever.
I first started working with Beth over 10 years ago, because I was at constant war with my body.  I was so tired of hating my body and I was desperate for something to change.  Beth helped me start to navigate a different kind of relationship with my body 10 years ago, but I never could have imagined then, what my relationship with my body has become now.  My body was once the biggest obstacle in my life, now she is my greatest teacher, my fiercest ally, and the source of all my magic.  I'm so grateful to have made my way back to Beth, who has helped me continue to shift my relationship to my body, my life and myself beyond my wildest dreams.



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