Lindsay, Performer & Activist


Before I worked with Beth I felt like I was spiraling. I was going round and round in the same cycles that prevented me from moving forward. I felt my trauma was keeping me stuck in old patterns and belief systems. I struggled to make decisions, set boundaries, and trust in myself to believe that I deserved to be happy and was worth more than how I treated myself. I now put my self worth, well being, and safety at the top of my priority list and feel more empowered to speak my truth, especially in times where I would have backed off, feeling that I was being “too much” or “too sensitive” I feel more empowered to make decisions that allow me to step into my own sovereignty and not adjust in order to make others feel more comfortable.

I now feel equipped to take action in my own life, surround myself with the people and environments where I feel celebrated and supported, and walk away from anything and anyone not in alignment with my values and self-worth. I’ve healed areas in my mind and body that I was disconnected from, where I avoided feeling and instead numbed out behaviors with substances - food, alcohol, unavailable men. I’ve shifted my mindset, self-worth, and belief in what’s possible for me, rather than avoiding situations that are difficult, I dance with that fear and uncertainty, knowing that no matter what life throws my way, I can handle it.

Beth opens you up to the depth of your own possibilities in what you’re capable of creating and ways to get out of your own way to see the power of what’s possible for you in your own life, using your own gifts to step into your own power and purpose.

She holds up the mirror and reaches in so we can see the things inside of us that we have either forgotten about or never knew were there - turning pain into our own superpower that can be in service to healing ourselves and helping others. She provides a safe space to allow yourself to be seen with compassion and provides the tools to help in providing compassion for ourselves as well. She truly has an incredible gift for healing and empowering individuals to reach their highest potential and heal the parts we’ve abandoned, by using her knowledge and wisdom to dive in and bring our darkness to light so that we can shine in our own unique way. Beth has tremendously helped me step into my own power and realize that I am more than just my circumstances and that I am worthy, deserving, and capable of honoring and manifesting my desires. She has helped me to see my own true power and beauty in taking what I’ve been through and turning it into power — for manifesting, healing, and taking the reigns of my own life to help heal others.

Learn About the Process