Maria, Sexuality Coach, The Pleasure Temple


Before I worked with Beth, I felt trapped. I didnā€™t know how to stop eating compulsively and at the same time, I knew the issue was deeper than eating. I didnā€™t quite know what it was and what to do about it but I knew I needed support. I trusted my gut and started to work with Beth.

She helped me understand how I was using food (and other things) to sabotage myself from creating my dream life. She helped me see how I was getting in my own way. She held a loving and supportive container for my growth while at the same time, pushing me to go after what I wanted.

She taught me to work through my discomfort and with my internal saboteurs in a way that felt loving. She taught me to speak to myself with patience, compassion & love.

Iā€™ve made friends with my saboteurs and learned to listen to my inner voice, intuition, which is the only way to live the life of my dreams.

I am so grateful to Beth for showing me the way. One of the best investments I ever made. I feel calm and confident, in my body and mind.

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