Melissa, Theater Artist & Healer
Since working with Beth and saying yes to myself, my life has truly changed. I have changed. I have a deeper connection to myself. A deeper understanding and awareness of my patterns and behaviors. Beth taught me that we are co-creators of these lives weā€™ve been given. We have that innate power. And everything we think need, we already have. With Bethā€™s support, wisdom, and guidance, Iā€™ve been able to see myself and understand myself more clearly. And start to take action from a place of true alignment and desire. And, most of all, trust in me. I have found passion and a lust for life that lay dormant and stuck under a constant need for external validation and approval.
Beth teaches you to embrace all of it. All of the emotions. The dark, the light, the scary, and the beautiful. Everything and everyone is a teacher. The triggers and hardships that surface is pointing to deeper wounds that must be looked at and moved through.
Beth is truly a divine soul and embodied priestess. She cuts to the core of the matter, with compassion and empathy while, at the same time, holding you accountable for your role in it. She effortlessly guides you on how to see things differently and approach yourself with deep love and self-care. And then works with you to create actionable steps to manifest a life of joy and passion that you most long for.
Even as my saboteurs come to the party and want a seat at the table. Even when my linear brain is screaming out for control and clarity. She has taught me to trust my body and my heart.
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