
Holistic Business CoachĀ 


I hired Beth because I was embarking upon a soul dream of mine to support 10 women in a group coaching program and I knew that in order to hold that space for others, I needed to be holding it for myself x10. I knew Beth from a former program that we did together and knew that she was the one who could hold me so I could hold others in this way. Itā€™s always amazing what happens on a much grander scale when we say yes to ourselves, yes to getting support, and yes to leveling up.

I went into our coaching relationship with that intention and got SO MUCH MORE. In fact, when we had our last call and she reviewed everything that I had created internally and externally in my life, I sat there and cried. I was almost in disbelief that so much could shift in 6 months. Thatā€™s the power of working with Beth.

Some examples of how the many ways in which my life shifted are: I vocalized some scary thoughts to my husband which was the catalyst of us starting couples therapy, I created a new loving experience with how I relate to my body, I reconnected with my feminine and my spirituality, making bold requests for things started to come more ease-fully, I feel more confident, I understand and acceptance of my trauma as a gift, my ripple in the world is amplified and I truly know that my strength is in my surrender.

Thank you Beth for being such a beautiful bright light in my life! You are truly a gift to the world. If you are considering Beth as a coach, consider each and every way that your life could be elevated, and consider it done! Sheā€™s pure magic.

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