Morgan, Therapist & Healer


Since working with Beth, I now feel totally intact with my emotions and my integrity. My word to myself has become more important than my emotional whims or my fear. I’ve healed in so many ways. I am kind to myself, a nurturer-even when I make a disempowering choice. I no longer wake up with immediate guilt or regret for whatever I did the day before. I’ve discovered that I am a POWERFUL creator.

I have become in touch with my heart and soul in ways that were so scary before, I was not prepared to know my own truth. Working with Beth has brought me face to face with me, without harsh judgment or ridicule, and allowed me to accept all the parts of myself and build a loving connection between the ‘angels and demons within. I feel solid. I feel like a trustworthy human being, who is worthy of praise, love, and admiration, and is unafraid to give the same to others for fear that it could put me in the shadows. My results have been astonishing. In my last session with Beth, she read back to me MANY goals that I had laid out for myself over our time together-some which I didn’t even remember- and to my tear-filled surprise, I have fulfilled every single one of them. Many of them did not look the way I had seen in my head, but the feelings associated with each of them were completely satisfied. It was mind-blowing.

And at that moment, Beth said to me: “YOU did that. YOU created that.” And THAT is why working with Beth is such a phenomenal experience. Because every time you feel like you’re going to pass out in the race, she will catch you, clean up your vomit, give you a Gatorade, and push you back out onto the track. And after you cross the finish line, she will stand back and take pictures of you in all your glory, celebrating YOU, even though you would not have made it thru the race without HER. She is a true coach in every sense of the word. She is brilliant at her craft, incredibly inspiring, honest, present, and wildly passionate about YOU. This work has changed my life forever. Because of Beth, I understand my tools for cultivating compassion, love, peace, and abundance in my own life. I encourage you to take a chance on yourself, to uncover the phenomenon of your spirit, and wake up each day TRULY feeling that your life is a blessing. Beth will guide you there.

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