
Top Podcaster & Author and founder of Growing Joy with Maria

Suddenly, I was able to start making more empowered decisions from a rooted, empowered place that I really hadn't before.

I have the confidence that I have now as I show up as an entrepreneur and the unshakable belief in my ability to achieve those things. And because of that, major opportunities are coming in that I could have never dreamed of. 

I can confidently say the work I did with Beth has helped me transform into a completely different version of myself, who also feels like the truest, closest version of myself I've ever met.

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Coach, Storyteller & Performer

I am tapping into intuitive gifts that I was never aware of before and noticing magical synchronicities every day. I am deepening my spiritual connection and feeling inspired to learn more about my lineage as a result.  I've never felt more connected with my ancestors, myself and my unique gifts and abilities.  
This process has felt like a homecoming.  I am remembering a version of myself that has been hidden away for a very long time.  I am stepping into more authenticity and reclaiming pieces of myself that I didn't even realize had been missing.
Opportunities are effortlessly flowing into my life.  Even though I stopped "hustling," clients still continue to find me and I have been sought out for multiple creative opportunities in theatre, film, and as a storyteller. 
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Maria, Manifesting & Mindset Coach


Before working with Beth, I felt really overwhelmed, exhausted, and lacked clarity. I was also out of touch with my emotions, not knowing how to deal with so much of the internal stuff that was affecting me. I really wanted to tune into my intuition again and trust my ability to choose the next best steps in my life and business instead of second-guessing myself. 

Since working with Beth, I have felt massive breakthroughs and shifts that have made me feel less stressed and more empowered to fully trust and believe in myself in ways I hadn't been doing.


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Intuitive Cellist

I was able to move forward easily and efficiently in prototyping and beta testing my new offerings without the hustle and grind I was used to. It was so much easier and more enjoyable than I thought it could be, and I learned so much more about what I'm being called to do in this lifetime.
There are so many things that are possible now than were impossible to me before.  My perspective of what is within my reach and the resources I have available to me has multiplied exponentially.
There is so much abundance available to me, there is so much love available to me, there is so much support and community all around me that I hadn't been aware of and I hadn't been cultivating. My blindspots have been shown to me and now that I've been compassionately made aware of them, I can't unsee the ocean of possibilities ahead of me.
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Susanna, Intuitive Energy Reader & Style Coach, Found of AuraWear NYC


This is something I would have never dreamed I would have received out of this work... I no longer let little things break me as they have in the past; I now see them as moments to find deeper clarity and discovery for my self-concept. I'm so proud that I made the call to work with Beth again, and I still can't believe how much money, love, and expansion it has brought me. Working with Beth will change your life; it certainly has changed mine.


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Molly, Life & Vocal Coach


Beth is the perfect person to hold up the mirror to all the ways you're currently stuck, dance with you through the murky middle where you get to meet the parts of yourself you've been previously afraid to fully own.

I've left a business I co-founded, which I had loved, but was no longer part of my REAL big vision for myself. I just had my highest-grossing year in my own coaching business to date! Since working with Beth, I now feel unstoppable.


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Amy, Playwright, Screenwriter & Actor


Since working with Beth, I feel a connection in my body with my intuition. So I can adjust back to myself when I feel like I'm writing from fear. I am practicing empathy with my inner protectors/saboteurs and trust I can self-soothe when things get stressy. People tell me I am on a roll (with butter).

I"ve been able to have fun pitching my TV show and have two more ideas in-process. It's been such a thrill to be in my desire and I feel my self-confidence growing in a very exciting and organic way. My results have been life-changing. Beth is unique because of her big heart and sincere curiosity about humanity and truth. She is the real deal!


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Jordan, Performer & Producer


I started to take the power back when it came to my creativity. I stopped waiting for permission from the industry that I was in or like the powers that be to allow me to create and allow me to have the experience I wanted to have or feel connected to my inner artist. And I started to actually allow myself to find pleasure in creating outside of that very specific, very limiting container and actually finally wrote the song with a friend who I've been wanting to write a song with forever and sharing it in a way that felt deeply vulnerable


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Anna, Performer & Musician


Beth has an abundance of knowledge and resources, coaching tools, and cares fiercely for her clients.  She has this beautiful way of holding me accountable and facilitating the expansion of my awareness, while never shaming the journey I’m on (something I can have the tendency to do to myself).  I have so much trust in her and in turn, an ever-growing trust in myself—she gave me the permission I was not giving myself to dream bigger and rise higher, and to love every part of myself, even when facing my shadows. 

Since working with her I have a clearer vision of my divine purpose, a strengthened Spiritual connection and faith in the love of the Universe, and have experienced so many desires come to fruition and dreams manifest in eerily spot-on ways.  There are not enough words to encapsulate the magic of this woman. 


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Melissa, Holistic Business Coach Coach


I hired Beth because I was embarking upon a soul dream of mine to support 10 women in a group coaching program and I knew that in order to hold that space for others, I needed to be holding it for myself x10.

I went into our coaching relationship with that intention and got SO MUCH MORE. In fact, when we had our last call and she reviewed everything that I had created internally and externally in my life, I sat there and cried. I was almost in disbelief that so much could shift in 6 months. That’s the power of working with Beth. 


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Jenn, Transformation Doula & Soul Activist


Beth is incredibly intuitive and combines that with practical prompting to gently guide you along your path. Beth is like a scuba diver. No matter what was coming up during the session, Beth always found a way to dive under my "messiness" and shine a light on the energetic undercurrent.

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Patti, CEO, Theater Producer & Embodiment Teacher


Beth changed my life. Beth’s intuition with her clients is impeccable. She holds you when you need softness. She guides you when you need direction. She calls you out when you can do better for yourself with graceful accountability.

Coaching with Beth was easily one of the best decisions I have ever made. I left every session having solved, resolved or made progress on whatever I brought to her regardless if it was personal, career-related, small, or epic. Invest in your well-being and future by coaching with Beth.


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Maria, Sexuality Coach, The Pleasure Temple


Beth taught me to work through my discomfort and with my internal saboteurs in a way that felt loving. She taught me to speak to myself with patience, compassion & love. I’ve made friends with my saboteurs and learned to listen to my inner voice, intuition, which is the only way to live the life of my dreams.


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Melissa, Theater Artist & Healer


Beth cuts to the core of the matter, with compassion and empathy while, at the same time, holding you accountable for your role in it. She effortlessly guides you on how to see things differently and approach yourself with deep love and self-care. And then works with you to create actionable steps to manifest a life of joy and passion that you most long for.

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Lizzie, Performer, Artist & Embodiment Teacher


Since working with Beth, I now feel like I am inside of my own life and inside the world, instead of resisting my world and watching my life from the sidelines. I now feel awake. Like someone cleared off the layers of fog that I didn’t even realize were sitting on my glasses.

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Stephanie, Coach, Producer & Theater-Maker


Because of Beth, I learned to trust my heart, ask for help when I need it, and define myself as a coach, producer, entrepreneur, and content creator. Just over a month out of coaching with Beth, I’m seeing the fruit of those lessons flourish right before my eyes.


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Chelle, Performer & Musician


Before Beth...Everything "bad" or "wrong" that happened to me was due to my unworthiness and lack of knowledge, and everything "good" or "right" that came my way was because something outside of me had allowed for that to happen. Enter Beth. A healer. A guide. A much-needed kick in the butt. An expert in life, love, and manifestation.


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Morgan, Therapist & Healer


Beth is brilliant at her craft, incredibly inspiring, honest, present, and wildly passionate about YOU. This work has changed my life forever. Because of Beth, I understand my tools for cultivating compassion, love, peace, and abundance in my own life.


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